South of Tonight

Sporadic murmurs and other pomegranates from a one-way street. Dabi our Miniature American Shepherd will be barking here also. Art may be viewed at

Acetaminophen Is Very Dangerous

Listening to “The Medicine Men” on KEST Radio. Acetaminophen is the number one reason for acute liver problems. Statins increase problems with the prostate and increase the death rate in women. You are responsible for your own health. Question your doctor or suffer the consequences. Western medicine is profit driven. There are alternatives. Drugs are legal poisons used to treat illness.

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3 thoughts on “Acetaminophen Is Very Dangerous

  1. Hi Jim, was wondering if you were taking an internet break and/or concentrating on art, so pleased to see a quick post had popped up.

    I’m not up on statins (except that they were expensive when first introduced in the NHS) and I shall have to look aceta-whatsit up. Ha! Just have, I was about to launch into a long tale about paracetamol, I wrote about it on Clouds some time ago, but didn’t actually mention the liver failure, as I was trying to keep it relatively light to make my point. It just took me a much longer time to get round on my blogpost to say what you did.

    If you haven’t read it:

    • Thanks for awaking me from my internet slumber. You are correct. I have been taking an internet break. Trying to clean up my iPad and iMac. Too many extraneous apps, photos, files, etc. floating about. Driving me crackers. In addition, I am trying hard to do more drawing. Artistic block though. Have joined several art organizations to get in touch with fellow colored pencil artists. On top of that, I am consciously trying to walk 10,000 steps each day. And… moving email newsletters away from gmail. Having second thoughts about Google products, no matter how good they may be. Think they have forgotten their motto “Do no harm.” Also consolidating several bookmarking sites. Tried several and have finally decided to remain with SpringPad. Fits my style of bookmarking and I like its site better than Evernote’s. If all that were not enough to fill my day, I am playing with a new point and shoot camera. Doing a little more experimenting with aperture and f-stop settings. Finally, reading the Steve Jobs biography. Have missed blogging. Feel guilty not keeping up with things. Need to manage my time better. I do remember your wonderful paracetamol post. And of course there is Suzy. She insists I spend my day with her in the bedroom. Not to play but just for the company. Hope to be more diligent in my internet neighborhood. Friendship is very important. I have been remiss. Suzy agrees. Wuufs to Pippa. All the best to you, Adrian and Pippa. (Suzy is staring at me at this moment. Now her paws are on my lap. Must be time for a walk. Or treat.) Better go.

      • Thanks for such a long reply. I just realised I had forgotten to ask if you had found a reasonable alternative for emails as I want to leave all the Google/blogger stuff alone, following all this stupid account blocking (I had my blogs and gmail blocked a few days ago, so am well racked off).

        Internet should be for relaxation when more important things have been done.

        We have done our last walk of the day, so it’s time for bed soon.

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