South of Tonight

Sporadic murmurs and other pomegranates from a one-way street. Dabi our Miniature American Shepherd will be barking here also. Art may be viewed at

Archive for the tag “FDA”

Tyranny of Science

Listening to “The Medicine Men” radio show. Can be found on Topic is the false claims of the FDA, science and pharmaceutical companies. Archives can be found at

Facebook stops drugmakers’ comment feature


For once I have to say Facebook has done something right. The big pharmaceuticals are afraid of the truth. Most of their drugs poison people. They harm countless patients. They do not want to hear that many of the illnesses their medications supposedly control or cure can be controlled by acupuncture and/or herbs. Traditional Chinese Medicine has thousands of years of experience and success that challenges the poor record of the drug companies. If the truth came out, the big pharmas would lose billions in profits. They are frightened of TCM and continue to try to prevent this news from becoming mainstream while attempting to get their bedfellow, the FDA, to make it more difficult for practitioners to use herbs that have proven to work over and over. Of course the drug companies would close down their Facebook comment feature. “They can’t handle the truth.” Kudos to Facebook.

DEA to legalize marijuana chemical for Big Pharma but keep it a crime for everyone else

More proof that the U.S. government is in bed with the pharmaceuticals. This marriage is a danger to your health. Let your representatives know that this is wrong. Morally wrong. And costing our country billions of dollars.

Listening to "Vitamin Shelf"

on Great show about the truth concerning suppelments and vitamins. Name one drug that makes you healthy. The FDA does not have our health in mind. They are in bed with the pharmaceutical “industry”. Remember that you must take responsibility for your own health.

"Just Say No to Drugs" and our "War On Drugs" – good but misdirected policies.

Nancy Reagan was right. President Nixon was correct in beginning his “War On Drugs”. Unfortunately they were focusing on the wrong drugs. The real health problem in this country is the use of overly promoted drugs legally prescribed by Western doctors. The influence of the giant pharmaceutical companies on our medical system is a crime and must be stopped AND punished. The pharmaceutical industry kills more Americans every year than terrorists. So what happened to our “War On Drugs”? The small percentage of politicians and doctors who know the truth are afraid to confront the powerful pharmaceuticals. They would lose all that money the drug companies throw around. The remaining doctors and politicos have no idea of the truth about the drug companies and are just greedy. Politicians and pharmaceuticals make up an enormously strong alliance that must be confronted now. That begs the question, who is left to fight the “War On Drugs”? Only the individual. Become informed about your health. Become involved in your health. Find out what the true “side effects” of all the drugs you are taking. (A doctor once said “There are no side effects, only effects.”) Find alternatives to the drugs you are consuming. Change you diet, change your life style and exercise. You CAN reduce your drug intake. Educate your representatives in Congress. Ask them how much money they receive from drug companies. What is the FDA and other governmental bodies doing to protect your health? It has been said, in the end, it is your responsibility to protect your health. Who do you trust with your life?

Acupuncture May Be More Effective Than Conventional Therapy In Treating Lower Back Pain

There is so much Traditional Chinese Medicine can contribute to the health and welfare of our society. And certainly lower the cost. Talk to your Representatives and Senators about including TCM in the Healthcare structure. Press the FDA to seriously study TCM and stop the stranglehold the pharmaceuticals have over that regulatory body. Their drugs truly are poisoning our country.

CHINESE MEDICINE GAINING RESPECTABILITY IN WEST / FDA support for testing of botanical drugs helps boost credibility of ancient herbal treatments (2006) The cynics have either not tried Traditional Chinese Medicine, are afraid to try TCM or they are worried the truth may disrupt the strangle hold the pharmaceuticals have on Western medicine and pad their pockets. Which fosters more confidence, approximately 200 years of Western (let’s drug the hell out of the symptom no matter the side effects) medicine or 6000+ years of Chinese (let’s treat the cause) medicine? At least the FDA has finally opened its eyes.   Legally, Western doctors can only prescribe patented drugs. This is due to a deal made between the pharmaceuticals and the government decades ago so the pharmas could continue their monopoly and gravy train. Notice the fish oil adverts? Why now? Because this particular fish oil is patented. Thus the green light and high cost when prescribed. We have known the benefits of fish oil for thousands of years but the drug companies did not have their fingers in the process. Now they do. So many of the illnesses mentioned on TV can be treated or reduced in severity with acupuncture and herbs. The choice is yours.

CHINESE MEDICINE GAINING RESPECTABILITY IN WEST / FDA support for testing of botanical drugs helps boost credibility of ancient herbal treatments (2006) The cynics have either not tried Traditional Chinese Medicine, are afraid to try TCM or they are worried the truth may disrupt the strangle hold the pharmaceuticals have on Western medicine and pad their pockets. Which fosters more confidence, approximately 200 years of Western (let’s drug the hell out of the symptom no matter the side effects) medicine or 6000+ years of Chinese (let’s treat the cause) medicine? At least the FDA has finally opened its eyes.   Legally, Western doctors can only prescribe patented drugs. This is due to a deal made between the pharmaceuticals and the government decades ago so the pharmas could continue their monopoly and gravy train. Notice the fish oil adverts? Why now? Because this particular fish oil is patented. Thus the green light and high cost when prescribed. We have known the benefits of fish oil for thousands of years but the drug companies did not have their fingers in the process. Now they do. So many of the illnesses mentioned on TV can be treated or reduced in severity with acupuncture and herbs. The choice is yours.

Why US milk is BANNED from ALL of Europe. The truth about our beef. | Care2 Share

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Returned to rice milk. Don’t know why I stopped drinking it. The government states that cattle can be labeled as grass fed if they are on grass 99% of their lives. The remaining 1% can be filled with hormones. Be absolutely sure you know where your beef came from and how it was raised. The number one cause of cardiovascular problems is the consumption of non-grass fed beef.

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