South of Tonight

Sporadic murmurs and other pomegranates from a one-way street. Dabi our Miniature American Shepherd will be barking here also. Art may be viewed at

Archive for the tag “Walmart”

Average American*?

I always thought that my wife and I were average Americans*. Recently I began looking at “America” and how most of the citizens live their lives. I have had to reconsider our status as “average” Americans. We do not eat fast food, conusme soft drinks, like tall food, shop at Costco and Walmart. We do not Facebook. We drive a Prius. We eat organic foods when possible. Given we do not follow the average American eating and buying demographics, I have come to the conclusion that we are not “average” Americans. We are AB normal Americans. Actually, we are AB normal USers**.


*I loosely use the term “American” to represent those individuals that reside in the nation we call the United States of America.

**The term “USer” has yet to gain popularity in the general media. Since all people residing in North, Central and South America are Americans, the term “USer” would be more appropriate in labeling those who live in the United States of America. (Also given that we USers consume more per capita than other countries the label is even more relevant.) 

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This is my place.

A place where I let it all hang out.

Dabi The Mini American Shepherd

I am a beautifuls 31 month old Miniature American Shepherd taking cares of my peeps on the Oregon North Coast.

Pet Basics 101

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an artist's visual diary


Discovering the joy of art

My Life as an Artist (2)

Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Designer and Watercolor Artist

Danny Gregory

Inspiration for creative folks like you.

The Alchemist's Studio

Raku pottery, vases, and gifts